How to Create a Blanket Stitch on a Serger, Especially
There are a few serger brands and models out there that have a special stitch that looks like a blanket stitch, but the Baby Lock sergers and most models you will encounter do not. So, how can you put a nice blanket stitch around that baby receiving blanket you want to make for your coworker's new baby? Or edge that new fleece jacket you are making for yourself? With a little know-how and a nifty trick using water soluble stabilizer, it is really quite simple.
You will only need two threads, and it is prettier if you use decorative threads. I like using 12 weight cotton threads to make a very pretty blanket edging. Be sure your needle is an appropriate size for the thread you are using, i.e. using a 90/14 needle with 12 weight cotton thread. Thread your serger for a 2-thread wide flatlock. On a Baby Lock serger, you will need to use the subsidiary looper, the 'swing arm' that blocks the upper looper opening, and you will thread your needle thread as though it is going through the upper looper. The thread will not go all the way through, as you will remove it from the tubes, run it through the needle guides, and thread the needle as usual. Be sure to check your threading diagram that came with your serger to see how this different threading path works. Thread your lower looper the same as you always do. Use a stitch length of around 3.5 for a 12 weight thread and a width of about 7.5. Your stitch length can be modified based on the thickness of your threads, since thicker threads will fill the space more.
This stitch looks nicer when serged over a folded edge of fabric, but it can also be serged on a cut edge. Lay a 2 inch wide strip of fibrous water soluble stabilizer along the edge you are serging, then serge with your flatlock stitch, running the edge of your fabric just inside the blade.
When you are finished, carefully pull the water soluble stabilizer toward the edge of your fabric, effectively pulling the loops of the stitches to the edge and causing the needle thread stitches to make the bars of the buttonhole stitch. Carefully trim away excess stabilizer and then soak away the rest.
This technique can also be modified to beautifully edge your blanket with lace. Align the lace header with the needle notch on the serger presser foot, just catching the header with the needle as you serge. For this you do not use water soluble stabilizer. Use the lace to pull the stitches to the edge of the fabric.
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