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Which Clothes Are Best for the Baby in the Summer?

by:Rhino     2020-07-07
Buying clothes for the baby and dressing him up is certainly one of life's real pleasures as far as most moms are concerned. Below are some great outfits that you should buy for your baby during summer: Grow suits (6-8) Cotton grow suits (jumpsuits) are highly comfortable and a practical choice for daily wear. Cotton is a soft and breathable fabric that allows your baby to move freely and can conveniently be worn as pyjama and during the day too. Singlets and Body Suits (6-8) Short-sleeved singlets and body suits are ideal for hot weather. Jackets and Cardigans (2) When the weather gets milder, dress your baby in a good jacket or cardigan. Booties and Socks You should get the following: about 6 bibs, 3 sun hats and about 8 wraps, muslins and blankets Many expecting parents ponder over the real baby essentials that are necessary for their new born baby. This is especially true for parents who are expecting their first child. Other parents wonder whether all the items in the usually touted Baby Essentials List are really important and are not just fancy gimmicks. It is true that some of the items on these lists are not absolutely essential. Designer baby clothes are great but if you are operating on a shoe-string budget, you will have to go for discount baby clothes. Not all of these items are practical. It is important for expecting parents to differentiate between the necessities and the luxuries. Here are the bare bones essentials that are absolutely necessary for any baby. The Real Baby Essentials The real baby essentials include toddler clothing your baby will require. Some of the toddler clothing items your baby will need are: at least 4 undershirts and vests. The parents are free to decide the upper limit but up 8 is OK. These should have snaps under the crotch and at the neck. They should also have wide head openings. Another essential item is one-piece pajamas. About 4-8 are enough Baby rompers are required for your baby. 1-3 pieces will do just fine. You can also choose to use other dress-up clothes instead of rompers. Baby socks and booties are nece4ssary to keep your baby warm. 4-7 pieces are OK. It is not necessary to buy shoes for your new born baby until he learns to walk. Baby hats should be bought according to the season of the year. In the summer season, broad-brimmed hats should be bought. Winter requires soft caps that cover the baby's ears. 1-3 hats are enough. Baby furniture is another essential item. A good crib, a cradle or a bassinet should be chosen. There are many available designs at different budgets and the guiding factor should be the quality, and of course, your budget. A good crib should have slats that are about 2 3/8 inches apart. Any wider is not good. Corner posts should ideally not be higher than 1/16 inches above the frame. The headboard and footboard should not have cutouts. The top rail should be located at least 26 inches over the mattress.
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