At Nantong Rhino Homeware Co., Ltd, we can trade under CIF terms. CIF stands for cost, insurance, freight. The price of goods in CIF contracts is inclusive of freight and insurance cost to the destination. The temptation to buy on CIF basis is very hard to resist as it removes so many hassles and headaches. Under CIF contracts, you don’t have to coordinate with a freight forwarder and do not have to negotiate freight rates. All you have to do is to wait for the vessel or airplane to arrive. And if there is any incident during the transportation, such as cargo lost or damaged, you could get redress against the carriers and insurer. So if your order amount is huge and you do not want to deal with logistics issues, CIF contract is recommended.
In the Flax Linen Bedding Set market, Rhino acts as the leading supplier. balanced sleep weighted blankets series manufactured by Rhino include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. The performance of dunlop mattress is greatly improved with the use of dunlop mattress material. Developed under the concept of deep touch pressure stimulation therapy, it really helps fight against stress. Rhino has been rapidly developed and recognized by the society.
We have clear commitments to sustainability. For example, we are actively working with climate change. We mainly achieve this by greatly reducing CO2 emissions.