Healthy Sleep Guardian focus on Wholesale Weighted Blanket

Is there instruction manual for Wholesale Weighted Blanket?
The instruction manual is always beside Wholesale Weighted Blanket. If no such instruction manual is found, you are welcomed to contact us. Then an electronic version may be offered. The instruction manual is aimed at offering you detailed operation and installation info. If you find it hard to understand, video or other effective ways may be available based on the demand.
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Ranking top in Ice cold weighted blankets industry, Nantong Rhino Homeware Co., Ltd is popular in the market. Silk duvet cover series manufactured by Rhino include multiple types. And the products shown below belong to this type. Sherpa Fleece Comforter is developed for higher performance and custom comfort weighted blankets. This product is especially suitable for people who have anxiety, autism, attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder, and insomnia. Rhino provides more cost-effective and comprehensive cotton weighted blanket products. The product is effective in improving sleeping quality.
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We aim to increase market share by 10 percent over the next three years through continuous innovation. We will narrow our focus on a specific type of product innovation through which we can result in greater market demand.

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